Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Singing Out Loud

Picking up the panels down in McCleary! Peter and Irene had not only the panels but pizza and wonderful conversations waiting for us!

It amazes me how rapid plans evolve when new knowledge is acquired. Learning about Sing Panels completely changed the way I look at building. These panels are ridged and lightweight, uniform in size and pre-insulated. After this new bit of knowledge was gained - I knew this was the best material to build my tiny house from. It just makes SENSE.

When building a house, typically the first step is to construct a frame and then apply sheathing. But working with these panels everything is backwards and inside out - in a good way. First create the shape using the panels, glue and braces, then custom fit a frame inside of that. This allows progress to be seen quite quickly. We got my walls up in two afternoons!

Thanks to Peter and Irene and Sing Panels, I am well on my way towards something more house like!

Making Progress,
